The following initiatives form Community and Government Services’ contribution to Ikummatiit – the Government of Nunavut’s overall energy strategy.
Nunavut Energy Management Program (NEMP)
Nunavut Energy Management Program (NEMP) is a territory-wide initiative being undertaken by the Government of Nunavut. The NEMP will reduce energy and water consumption and fossil fuel dependence while increasing energy awareness and community involvement.
Green Purchasing Policy
The Green Procurement Policy is being developed to mandate the purchase of Energy Star Rated equipment, which is 10% to 35% more energy efficient than existing equipment. This will directly contribute to the GN’s energy savings targets under Ikummatiit and to the energy savings in leased and private buildings. The Government of Nunavut is reviewing costs and benefits of incorporating environmental costs into its purchasing decisions. At the moment, employees are encouraged to use the
Good Building Practices Guideline.
Facility Energy Efficiency Review
The Facility Energy Efficiency Review is a detailed review of proposed designs for new facilities built in Nunavut. The primary objective of the review is to ensure that each building is designed to include cost effective measures that reduce energy consumption and costs. In this way we also ensure that we minimize the impact on our fragile environment.
Each design is reviewed with the Government of Nunavut Good Building Practices Guideline, which includes descriptions of time tested construction methods used in Nunavut. This document now includes a new energy section that will be employed to ensure that all reasonable efforts are made to reduce the energy consumption of new buildings.
Green Lease
The Government of Nunavut leases a number of buildings from the private sector. At present there is little or no incentive for the property managers to reduce energy consumption. The Government of Nunavut is investigating ways to modify the existing leases in order to encourage the adoption of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
Save 10
SAVE 10 is two-pronged education program designed to train building managers in operating newly retrofitted facilities and to help employees and building occupants (including students) reduce their energy and water consumption at work, at home and at school. It is called SAVE 10 because employees and students can reduce their individual consumption of resources by 10% making small changes in their daily routines. These small changes add up quickly and most importantly, reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change—a serious threat to our land.